May 30, 2013

Desert Landscapes of Iran

Desert Landscapes of Iran: George Steinmetz

1 & 2. Aerial views of Salt Domes of the Dasht-e Kavir.

3 & 4. Strong dry winds have dried the surface of this salt river into a web of hair-like salt crystals. Their orientation preserves a record of the wind as it blew across the surface.

5. Abandoned old city of Torud borders on fields that are still cultivated from water that is supplied by a subterranean aquifer via ancient qanats.

6. Mega-dunes of the Dasht-e Lut. These are the largest and tallest dune field in Iran, reaching over 300M in height and covering an area approx. 50 X 150 Km

7 & 8. Yardang field of the Dasht-e Lut. This is the largest field of wind-eroded rocks (yardangs) in the world, measuring some 50 x 100 Km

9 & 10. Otherworldly landscape of the Makran Coast; along the shore of the Indian Ocean; between Chabahar and the Pakistani frontier. The hills were made of gypsum-rich mud which is is brick hard when baked by the sun, but easily eroded into Karst-like forms when drenched by monsoon rains.