
Zoomorphic and Flora Calligrams

Zoomorphic calligraphy is a very popular choice for tattoos, as well as an interesting choice for artwork and logo designs. In a zoomorphic design, the calligraphy creates the shape of a bird or a lion or some other animal. Closely related are florigrams, in which the calligraphy creates the shape of a flower or a tree or some other plant. Together these designs are all labelled calligrams. Calligrams present a unique challenge to me as a calligrapher, as I must create a specific shape–animal or plant–while retaining some of the essential qualities of the calligraphy. Fortunately, Arabic and Perso-Arabic script is a wonderfully flexible medium, and the tradition allows the artist a great deal of freedom in using the words to create artistic designs.

Calligrams, Zoomorphic Calligraphy, Zoomorphic Tattoos, Florigrams, Persian Zoomorphic Tattoos, Arabic Tattoos